Fine honey robusta

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Way of looking at robusta

Vietnam is currently becoming a powerhouse in the production of fine robusta. Historically, robusta may not have the best reputation, but if we take the same attention to detail as in selective arabica (farm care, hand-picking, picking only ripe fruit, precise and clean fermentation, drying on raised beds), the result is completely different than in in the case of commercial robusta as we know it.

Mr. Toi and Future Coffee Farm

In less than a decade, Mr. Toi became one of the pioneers of fine robusta. He moved from northern Vietnam to the town of Bao Loc, where he sold corn on the streets. Later, he bought a small piece of land where he started to grow coffee and over time applied the same precision of harvesting, processing and selection as he did with arabica.

Height above sea level

When selecting a robusta, altitude plays an important role as it contributes to a more complex character and reduced bitterness. At the same time, it retains its unique properties.


Robusta has approximately 2x more caffeine and is characterized by its stronger body and thick crema.

Location Bao Loc, Lam Dong province
Altitude 800-850 masl
Variety TR4
Harvest season 2023/2024
Producer Future coffee farm, one of the pioneers in fine robusta production in Vietnam
Bags in stock 0
Price 7.9€/kg without VAT
Samples Number of bags